(After the Revolution)
- To provide for the greatest good for the greatest number.
- To eliminate all debt with a Constitutional Amendment (Universal Debt Forgiveness.) or
- To renounce all debt with a violent Revolution (Universal Debt Repudiation.)
- To eliminate the undemocratic power that unelected (and foreign) creditors have over us.
- To gather all publicly traded corporate stocks and bonds into One Big Mutual Fund.
- To give an equal share in this OBMF, including dividends, to each American voter.
- To require that all OBMF executive's compensation packages be approved by voters.
- To require all political spending be approved by majority vote of OBMF shareholders.
- To greatly increase taxation of the rich, lessen it for the rest.
- To enact a one time, steeply graduated, wealth tax.
- To enact a new Homestead Act, a decent home for all who can properly maintain it.
- To provide affordable health care for all.
- To cleanse the records of non-violent offenders.
- To end capital punishment and unnecessary abortion.
- To renegotiate all trade deals for our own benefit.
- To exit NATO, and other treaty obligations, while re-assessing geo-political situation.
- To adopt traditional policy of steering clear of entangling foreign alliances.
- To invest in highly accurate weapons systems to greatly reduce cost of defense.
- To require the targeting of the enemy ruling class, the decapitation option.
- To eliminate the military-industrial complex.
- To get back our canal in Panama.
- To end all taxpayer subsidies for businesses.
- To eliminate the un-American Corporate State.
- To replace Corporate State globalization with International Populist globalization.
- To bring back Main Street values.
- To replace the Patriot Act with the Bill of Rights.
- To put sanctions on all un-free governments and encourage Revolutions where necessary.
- To increase personal freedom, including smoker's rights.
- To build more garages at train stations to encourage more rail commuting from suburbs.
- To develop clean, renewable energy, the panacea is fusion.
- To properly educate young people, especially in the Humanities.
- To lengthen school days and terms to make up for time wasted in computer training.
- To triple the number of school teachers and triple their pay, and build high rise schools.
- To provide free tuition in both colleges and trade schools.
- To teach all school children to properly use and maintain firearms.
- To eliminate police brutality.
- To greatly increase independent oversight of police and triple the pay of police officers.
- To give President the line item veto.
- To require a balanced Federal budget.
- To end the Fed.
- To increase money supply quarterly, in tandem with increases in goods and services.
- To enact a one stop non-profit National Bank for all financial services.
- To legalize free speech from the pulpit.
- To bring back the Wagner Act as the jumping off point for better labor rights.
- To provide a guide for the perplexed to explain the myriad confusions now infesting us.
- To re-establish House Un-American Activities Committee for Truth and Reconciliation.
- To achieve the greatest good for the greatest number.